Survival Tip #18: Summer weather means summer clothes! Just because you don't live in California does not mean you don't get to wear those cute dresses and tank tops you once loved!
*So I needed to think of a Survival Tip for this post and was struggling to do so, but I found a way to make it work! In the summer it gets warmer, even in Washington, and the longer you live her the more acclimated you become. So with that warm weather comes the opportunity to wear summer clothes! It's this pregnant woman's dream! I love being able to throw on a dress and leggings for the day! Way easier to get into/out of than jeans, and it just adds to the feminine feel of being pregnant. So there, the tip is done, and now I can add a baby update without trying to connect it to WA living.*
5 Months Down! Took this a few weeks ago now...
When I checked this picture to see if it was blurry I was shocked at how big I'm getting! Oh my goodness! And it's just going to keep growing too... And I went to Target to look for this shirt in a bigger size so I can keep taking pictures of it in October... and they didn't have it! Eek! Let's hope it's stretchy enough, or comes back in stock!
I have this funny back-and-forth feeling about being pregnant. I feel a little bipolar. At times I love it so much, and then sometimes I hate how uncomfortable I feel. It is odd because one moment I will find myself hating the heartburn and thinking "How can I do __ more weeks of this!" and then Baby will move and I forget all those feelings in a blink.
I love feeling Baby Girl move around inside of me. She is big enough now that I can touch my stomach and know she is right under my hand. For example, right now I have the laptop on my stomach and I can feel exactly where she is. And she literally just kicked to prove to me that is true :) Baby definitely responds to pressure (will touch where pressure is applied) and some times I wonder if she is doing this to say "Give me space!" or perhaps she is trying to snuggle up to the pressure source. I hope I'm not giving her a complex, touching my stomach all the time. Anyways, I more often find her on the left side of my body and she likes to touch my belly button area. Two new developments in movement: I can now feel her kick/punch/whatever in multiple spots simultaneously AND she has started doing this funny thing that feels like she is pushing her foot/fist/whatever
along my stomach. From the outside it feels so alien-like, if I did not know I was pregnant I would
freak-out. When Vander felt her moving this way he looked almost scared. Even though it can be freaky, I love feeling her move.
At my last Doctor's appointment we found out that Baby is totally healthy and measuring in the 80th percentile for weight and 90th percentile for all her limb lengths. This means she is measuring big, just as we expected. The NP who saw me (I'm trying to find a new doctor because mine is moving to TX with her re-stationed Army husband), said that sometimes they will do ultrasounds to see how big baby is closer to the due date and possibly recommend C-Sections or inductions if the baby seems to big. I really hope that isn't what happens for us. I want to give Baby and me a chance to do everything naturally, and I really don't want to be told I can't have a baby vaginally because she might be too big (btw: ultrasounds are not a great way to predict birth weight as much as limb length). If my mom had my sister and I (10lb 4oz babies) vaginally, I think I should be able to try. And the reason my mom needed a C-Section with brother is because he was 24 inches long and was basically too long to move into a birthing position, but even then she still tried. And I don't see my desires as a prideful thing, but rather I just don't want to take care of a baby and a C-Section scar. I'm just practical I guess. :)
As for me, I am still throwing up occasionally. Since the last baby post I had one week where I only threw up once, and then got food poisoning the next day. Cruel. Besides that week, my average has been 3 pukes a week now, and it is way more manageable! When I throw up it isn't followed by constant puking the rest of the day, and because of this I haven't taken my Zofran in two weeks! Yay! I love when people ask how I'm feeling to see how they react when I respond "I am only throwing up 3 times a week! I feel great!" Something that has become tricky is now when Baby wiggles around it sometimes feels similar to a queasy stomach feeling. I just try to calm myself down when this happens and remember I have thrown up a million times now, what is one more if it does happen, and to appreciate feeling her move.
Well, that is all for now. I'll try to keep updating more regularly, especially as we get closer to the EDD!