Survival Tip #22: You are not God and there are things you cannot control in life. Nehemiah 9:6 Says: "You alone are the LORD. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you."
Baby's First Photo Shoot |
Ramona is 4 months old now. My last post was her birth story. That is crazy. We have loved celebrating her firsts: first smile at 5 weeks, first trip to Leavenworth at 10 weeks, first laugh at 13 weeks, first time rolling over at 17 weeks, etc. One first we weren't so excited about was Ramona's first trip to Seattle Children's Hospital.
Baby's First Trip to Seattle Children's |
Baby's First Ultrasound |
Since that appointment we have had many, many doctor appointments, weigh ins, blood draws and visits to specialists. Additionally, Vander and I, along with our family, church family and many others, have been lifting up our sweet baby in prayer. And thankfully, God has been answering our prayers and Ramona seems to be getting better. She is now up in all percentiles and appears to be doing well. She had low muscle tone connected with her low weight gain, and that is improving too! We believe she had a virus that settled in her liver for some reason, but we may never know.
When I was in the hospital and Ramona was first born, and she was having her choking problems, I realized quickly that the only way I would be able to be a competent mom was if I remembered Ramona is God's baby before she is my own. God is the one who has decided her life and he holds it in the palms of His hands. I need to do the best I can, but if I huddle over her crib all night long, I still won't be able to save her life if God decides it's time for her to return to her eternal home. Her weight gain problems were a reminder of this truth. I fed her as much as I could, gave her vitamins, and did all the other things a mom should do to care for their baby. I don't know how she got sick, but I know God is in control.
Baby's First Hair Clip (Thanks Kim!) |
Each night Vander and I pray with little Ramona as we set her down to sleep. We ask God to give her sweet dreams, good health, and to bring her to know His heart deeply and passionately. Now, we thank God for her improvement. Continually, I thank God that I am able to be Ramona's mom, and ask Him to remind me being Ramona's mom is a gift He gives me, (but she reminds me of that every day).
Baby's First Trip to Gibson's |
Baby's First Mac Dre Impression |
Mommy's First Attempt at Highlighting Baby's Blue Eyes :) |