Survival Tip #23: When Daylight Savings happens, the light up here (as in further North) will throw you off. Don't forget to change your clocks and refer to them often.
Mom fail moment: Ramona normally goes to bed at 7:30. At 5:45 tonight she started doing her tired fuss so I put her down for a late nap (like she occasionally takes). At 7 as I wake her up Vander and I realize with daylight savings her body thinks it's 8... Then we realize we didn't change the clock we've been looking at, so it's actually 8, which Ramona thinks is 9. So when I put her down for the nap she was ready to go down for the night. Sorry baby :(
**Update: I think we did the math wrong. Ramona though it was the time on the clock, because that's what it had been. Meaning the only people seriously confused were Vander and I. :(
California Part Two
11 years ago